Public Value Creation with Artificial Intelligence

On December 1st, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) celebrated the successful defense of Colin Pascal van Noordt’s PhD thesis, “Public Value Creation with Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Public Administration.” This groundbreaking research delves into the transformative potential of AI in the public sector, exploring its role in enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and the creation of public value.

Dr. van Noordt, a researcher at TalTech’s Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, meticulously examines the adoption and utilization of AI technologies in public organizations. He identifies key challenges and opportunities that arise from integrating AI into the public sector, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations and responsible AI implementation.

The thesis has been co-supervised by renowned experts in the field of public administration and technology: Prof. Dr. Albert Meijer of Utrecht University and Prof. dr. ir. Joep Crompvoets of KU Leuven Public Governance Institute. This collaborative supervision exemplifies TalTech’s commitment to fostering international partnerships and cross-border research excellence.

“The thesis contributes significantly to our understanding of how AI can be used to enhance public services, improve citizen satisfaction, and make public administration more efficient and transparent,” remarked Dr. Anu Masso, one of van Noordt’s advisors. “Dr. van Noordt’s work aligns perfectly with the goals of the PADST project, which aims to advance research excellence in the field of digital government transformation.”

The PADST (Public Administration Digital Sustainability Transformation) project, led by TalTech, aims to strengthen the Estonian and European knowledge base on digital-era public administration capabilities for the sustainable transition. Through collaborative research initiatives, knowledge exchange programs, and the development of early-career researchers, PADST is shaping the future of public administration in a digitalized world.

Dr. van Noordt’s thesis serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, public sector managers, and researchers seeking to harness the potential of AI for positive social impact. His research findings will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding responsible AI implementation and the creation of a more efficient, effective, and value-driven public administration.

We congratulate Dr. Colin Pascal van Noordt on his outstanding achievement and look forward to his continued contributions to the field of public administration and technology. His research serves as a testament to the transformative power of AI and the role of TalTech in leading the way towards a more sustainable and digitally transformed future.

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